Sunday, September 25, 2011

55th birthday

Today is my 55th birthday and i have had a good day. :)

i was awakened to the sound of two former students, jeremy and james, mowing my lawn. this had been prearranged, but i was still happy about it. the lawn had gotten pretty shaggy, and worrisome. one problem out of the way!

after fixing myself a breakfast of hash browns and watching some tv, i went up to take a nap, and was awakened by two birthday phone calls. the last one was from jen chambers, who was in the santa fe flea market at the stall where i buy my green chile powder! i talked to chef assi on the phone, ordered a pound each of the chef's blend, green chile powder, and chipotle chile powder! so, finally, i got my chile powder! hurray!

i got up and then meg called and she came over with colton and tara and they took away, finally, the chair and hassock that the cat's shredded! again, hooray!
Pam called and came down, and we hung out and chit chatted and got caught up. then we went to applebee's for dinner and came back. my great neighbors, the partridges, came over with homemade birthday cards and 4 huge chocolate covered strawberries! YUM!!!

i have gotten a lot of nice birthday greetings on facebook and phone calls from family, including the animal, who told me my birthday gift was that he wouldn't get another DUI...hhahahahah. some people have texted me birthday greetings as well.

a lot of time i think i am alone, but i don't know why i think that. i do have friends and people who care about me. i am learning at 55 to believe that. i am in a pretty good place right now and i hope i can stay there.

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