Friday, July 18, 2008

preparing for the big trip...

no, i haven't had my nervous breakdown yet. i wish i would. i am hoping i will. shall i try and force it upon myself? certainly, that would be preferable to having an anxiety attack on the plane on the way to san francisco! (shades of last year and the flight to seattle!)

i have pretty much finished up the prep on the trip and just have to put things in the folders. while trying to do that i am also trying to get my house in order as i have an appraiser coming in at some point in the next week or so to look at it. this has thrown me into something of a tizzy, in that we are going on vacation and now i need this done as part of my mortgage/loans refinance. i had hoped this wouldn't be necessary, but god is once again having a good laugh on my account. today i hope to discover some energy and do some touch up painting and maybe some outside work. i have to get the porch cleaned up and a bunch of stuff i could or should do on the inside. i am NOT motivated at all to do much of anything, but i am attempting to become a little less than lazy...

austin is still in the cast on his arm, but it comes off on monday thank god. then he will no longer have the excuse of the cast preventing him from doing the slave jobs i want him to do! we will have a lot to do on monday and tuesday, and i am hoping he will be up for the task. he is at his father's this weekend, so anything that needs to be done i will have to do myself.

last night i finished up his letters to the three colleges (lsu, unlv, clemson) that have been sitting around here for months. basically, all that is invovled is sending in the student athlete info sheets, but i did write cover letters as well. we are trying to see if he can get on the campus at unlv while we are in las vegas. i had hoped he could have that experience of being recruited without having other people from home involved. he is still pretty much a follower, and i wanted him to have the opportunity to have this be something that he got on his own. uncle bert called a week or so ago and said that his contact had come back with info on austin, and as a sophomore he was ranked as a mid-major prospect. this meant he was looked at as eligible to be recruited for lower division I schools and division II schools. however, they had him rated as a blue chip prospect as a junior, which means top of the line and he could do ACC or other large division I schools. apparently, he has been seen by major league scouts and they knew about him. they were impressed with his swing and the way he hits as well as what he was doing on the field. none of them, however, knew about the pitching. i have told austin that he has to get off of his ass and do something for himself physically or i am not going to fund the fall ball (if we even play at all.) he has porked up and has been pretty lazy all summer. he knows the rest is up to him and he can't glide anymore if he wants to continue to be a good prospect. i have been trying to do some walking and more exercise myself, as i need to be in better shape when we go on this vacation. austin has been walking with me when i can get him to go.

the girls are still freaked out without thing here, and it is a bit odd around the house. olivia has become a lot more needy and cries and meows a lot. she also hangs around more than she did before. freckles and olive seem to have been ok, especially freckles who probably is relieved he isn't here anymore. olive is more possessive and almost always is close by. i looked into getting a male rescue cat, but i am up in the air about that. my mother thinks i should just wait until austin goes to college and then get myself a maine coon kitten then. i think she is right. while it seems weird without him here, i don't know what they will do if i bring in someone else. they have so far endured his passing, my going off for a week and no air conditioning, and now they are going to be left for 3 weeks in the house with no one here. they will likely be feral when i return...

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