Tuesday, July 1, 2008

florida sucks, part III

the rest of the trip was miserable, hot, boring hell...when i left florida on saturday, i purposely shot the finger to the state as i crossed the line into georgia! as a matter of fact, i shot the double bird...if i could have rolled down the window and hauled my big ass out the window, i would have not only shot the state the finger every way possible, i would have cursed it as well!!!!!:) I HATE FLORIDA!!!! may i NEVER have to return there...god, what a boring,hot,miserable place it is!

so now i am in florida, which i didn't want to go to to begin with, and i am forced to watch baseball that doesn't include my son, who, by the way, now is an invalid on drugs who can't do anything, including taking a shower. i have to say that it was much less irritating to bath him when he wasn't covered in hair (say, i guess, when he was FOUR), than at 16 when he is a furball man...now i am back to literally washing his legs and butt and back...sigh...

i have to get up each day at 6:30 to take them to the ballfield, and the only consolation would have been a cup of coffee...IF i could have found a decent cup of coffee...damn, you would think at the southernmost tip of america you could get decent coffee...i mean, they could have THROWN coffee beans from columbia there, but apparently there was no one to CATCH them...i went to dunkin donuts, which is supposed to have the best coffee, only to have to throw the coffee in the sink, and then be cursed for an entire day with having some sort of oil from the coffee beans line my wawa cup, ruining EVERYTHING i drank out of that cup for the entire day...i had to scrub it a couple of times to get the smell out of there! HORRORS! :) (by the way, the worst cup of coffee i have every had came from some joint off of I-95 2 years ago at 3 a.m. in the morning when i was headed for..you guessed it...FLORIDA!!! that stuff was so awful it got me high as a kite on caffeine and at 6 a.m. i was calling everyone i knew on my cell leaving singing voicemails...totally wacked out and unable to sleep until that afternoon despite the fact i had driven all night from virginia to florida, 11 hours...) by the way, i got the third worst cup of coffee in my life the NEXT morning...after that, i bagged the coffee...

the humidity in florida rivals virginia, and it rains everyday. the condo, which the boys had all lauded as WONDERFUL, was NOT wonderful in my estimation and was shabby and lacked a lot of things, including a/c that worked in my room...after one night i cranked it down so i could sleep. it was an icebox in the rest of the condo, but not in my room...gas there was $4.19 and i stood for at least 30 seconds, speechless, when it rang up to $74 to fill up the van...there was nothing to see in jupiter, much to my disappointment, so i was pretty much relegated to my bedroom with the door shut, as our condo was the team meeting place were all of the boys were either playing poker, watching movies, or playing xbox. i did see a movie one night (no country for old men, which i had seen before), but other than that, i did nothing. did find winn-dixie and went on a hunt for orange marmalade for my mother, who loves it but can't get it anymore in virginia. i ate so-so cuban food for lunch one day,and ok chinese another night. did have a cuban sandwich for breakfast one morning (ok,no big deal) and i was shocked that i couldn't find any oranges or tacky tourist places there...boring...we did go to miami on wednesday, and i stopped back at diggity dogs on the way down and bought all the fixin's again for chicago dogs, only this time i froze it all and brought it home for my dad for his birthday. i was orginally going to order it all from chicago and do a hot dog party for him, but i saved the shipping this way, and i brought it home.

miami was ok. we ate at the llth st. diner in south beach, which i had seen on the food network and the food was good. we cruised south beach, went to little havana, did a little walking around in coconut grove, but basically, miami on tv ain't miami in real life. nothing there that i would go back for i would say, and it was even hotter there than in jupiter. i was glad i went and it was good to get out of jupiter, but i don't see a need to revisit...the boys kept winning the baseball and we were the #1 seed, but got beaten in the quarterfinals (out of 72 teams). they got that far without austin and another pitcher, so who is to say what would have happened if they had played. unfortunately, austin didn't get to make the junior olympic team. the trainer spoke to me and said that they had been looking forward to seeing him play at the end of the week (he was going to pitch), but of course, his left hand got broken (best that vs. right hand, throwing arm.)

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