Tuesday, July 1, 2008

home again, a different kind of hell, part IV

the ride home lasted FOREVER, but we got here to a house that was 90 degrees at 1 a.m. we ended up going down the street to meg's and i slept on the couch...and we have been camping since then. all the time i was in florida, i was back and forth on the phone getting estimates and trying to get the heat pump situation scheduled. my father and bebo were helping me, but i was still freaked out and i still am. it is going to cost me $6,312 to have the heat pump replaced...i will have to go to the bank and refinance for it. the good news is that i have a year to pay for it and nothing down now, but i will have to pay for it, so i will likely go and consolidate my loans out into one. the bad news is that i am living out of my car right now. i have stayed the last 2 nights at bebo's which is fine, if you don't mind staying with your ex-husband, which is also fine, just weird. i go over to my house each day and try to hang for awhile with the cats, who are all nutsy. my house has been invaded by ants EVERYWHERE, AND THAT IS MAKING ME CRAZY WHEN I AM THERE!!! they are even on my couch!

the heat pump guys are supposed to be coming tomorrow to do the whole a/c thing, and god willing, they will get it all done in one day. i am so wacko not being able to be in my own house. all i want to do is hunker down and relax, but i cannot do that anywhere right now. i am NOT relaxed...i am crying at the drop of a hat and definitely not myself. i don't even want to eat and my stomach is upset too.

i took austin to the orthopaedic guy yesterday, and austin is now out of baseball for the next 4-6 weeks, which means i have to try and cancel the airline reservation i made for him to georgia 3 days before we left for florida...why didn't i just wait? anyway, he is done, and he is not happy. baseball this year has been a disaster. his left hand has 2 spiral fractures in them, one at the base of his ring finger right at the wrist, and the other at the base of his middle finger just below that knuckle. he is in a soft cast until 7/21, 2 days before we leave for our trip out west. at least he will have the cast off then, god willing and the creek don't rise...the good news, and there is SOME, not much...but i am going to be a bit thankful, even though it is not thursday!
1) i got $900 from the feds for my little refund check.
2) bruce springsteen is coming to richmond again, and i managed to coordinate bebo, mary beth (my college roomie) and pam (my best friend) on the internet on friday morning to make sure we got tickets...we did...14 of them! 4 of them i will use, and the rest go up on ebay, hopefully getting a small fortune for them. i am not going to scalp them. i am going to put them up for face value and see what they get. the last time i did that, i got $225 for a $85 ticket. already an individual ticket is selling over $200 a piece. hopefully, once i get the tickets in hand, i can do this. i know i will have no difficulty getting them sold, as the concert sold out in a short time and they are a hot commodity. i am most excited about seeing him, as i have 3 times before and mary beth and i got on the floor the last time and it was just awesome! she and i are going along with pam and austin, who i am making go as i think he should have the bruce experience!
3) austin is now not going to georgia, so i am able to save a little on his expenses, but only if i can get something back on the airline ticket.
4) bebo has been totally cooperative and helpful, and that has been very good. also, so have my neighbors and meg. i sent the neighbors out to dinner last night courtesy of me and a parent who gave me a gift card, and i babysat for them while they went. the most fun i have had in 2 weeks was building two houses with little john out of megablox. i am thinking about going to walmart today and buying myself some just so i will have something mindless to do in the future when i get stressed out! :)
5) i have my first tomato and 3 squash off of my plants. hooray! cukes are on the way!
6) my knee, which went out horribly on thursday while i was in florida, is not bothering me right now, and i haven't had any headaches, YET...
7) it is austin's LEFT hand broken, and thankfully not his right hand, which is his pitching hand. the break is clean (a crack,not a huge break) and he is not taking painkillers, although the cast was bothering him a bit last night and i might have to do something with that.
8) right now, i am in a/c at bebo's, austin is still in the bed, and i am on the computer and have computer access. this is good...i have wawa tea all over town and food from ukrops at home, so i am thankful, really...

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