Tuesday, January 24, 2006

a second career...what would you choose to do?

found out a couple of months ago that if i really want to, i can retire in 6 years. it would be at a reduced pension, and right when austin will be off at school, but it did send me wondering about what i would do with myself if i were to retire. in my daydream, i see myself in several different scenarios. none, of course, will ever play out. but it is generally more fun to dream about things versus actually doing them. so here is my list. what would be yours?

1) i would like to be some sort of motivational speaker working with kids. somehow, i would go around locally, maybe with a bit of travel, and make speeches to small groups of kids. i don't like the on stage with a huge audience thing. i like sitting in a room with chairs in a circle and just talking.
2) i would write a column for a newspaper, weekly, or a magazine. it would or could be just reflections on life like my blog, or have a point. i have enjoyed writing on the blog and wish sometimes i could do it out in the "real world." i had a taste of that when i worked the summer teacher intern job at the richmond times dispatch and i really enjoyed the research and getting into print.
3) i would go back to school and learn a lot about plants and landscaping. then i would make landscaping designs, but get other people to do the hard work! i can't do the heavy physical labor now, but i can do some, and i don't mind that.
4) i would design and make water fountains and gardens. i would make pottery pieces like the ones i used in my own water feature in the front yard.
5) i would make more of my sculptures and get someone else to market them. i am not into the selling of the stuff, only the making of it. money is nice, but somehow when you put money into the mix, it can take away from the fun of doing it. i would work mostly on commission for people i liked. that way i wouldn't feel like i was doing art on a schedule
6) i would take more courses to learn how to do websites, and then work at home making them. i would only have a few customers, and i would maintain their websites for them.
7) i would make funny t-shirts and buttons and, again, have someone else handle the business end of it. i would make the designs on the computer, and then have someone else do the silkscreening and marketing.
8) i would read books and do the critiques for a newspaper, weekly or magazine. i would write about the books as i read them, good or bad and not be on any pressing schedule. that way reading could be fun and profitable in many ways!
9) i would learn more about holistic healing and take more classes concerning it.
10) i would get a part time job working at a fun place, like ellwood thompson's organic grocery or wawa!
11) i would be a feature reporter for NPR and get to go interesting places to report on interesting subjects.
12) i would host an on-air talk show like FRESH AIR which is hosted by terry gross on NPR. she asks really thoughtful, relevent questions on a variety of subjects, and she gets to interview a wide variety of people who do interesting things.
13) i would write a spiritual column for BELIEFNET. i enjoy my daily dosages of angel wisdom and other daily columns that come to me via the e-mail. there are lots of links to various areas, and hours could be spent just surfing around the spiritual "globe" that is BELIEFNET.
14) i would be a teacher advisor for student teachers and their mentors, and go around to various public school systems and talk to them about things to do in the classroom.
15) i would work a part time job at a bread company and learn to make bread! i would also go to a thai or ethiopian restaurant and offer to work for free if they will teach me to cook!
16) i would run for an small political office on a platform of "doing what is right" for people in general. i would be an independent, and i would not lie. if i didn't know much about something, i would say so, but also say that i would learn. i would refuse to engage in any type of mudslinging, and my response to that type of activity would be to say that i am running on what i will do, not whether or not i am the better person or candidate. my campaign slogan would be that "easy will make the phrase 'honest politican' a reality instead of an oxymoron!"
17) i would join the church band and not be scared of doing it. i can still sing, but i am a bit intimidated in my old age!
18) i would do research on a subject for someone like an author who needs historical background. james michener could never have written his books without the many researchers who went out and gathered the historical info that he needed before he could write his historically based fiction.
19) i would volunteer to work on an archeological dig around here. i have always had a huge interest in history, and virginia is filled with many historical sites to be saved.
20) i would grow bog plants and grasses and sell them to landscapers and people on the internet. of course, i would have to have the stuff to do this, which i don't have right now and wouldn't likely have on half a pension, but i did develop a love for the exotic grasses and such when i started with my outdoor fountain.

is this enough stuff for one person to do in retirement? likely i would just end up taaching until i am 65 or retiring early and watching too much c.s.i and law and order...but then again, it is fun to dream.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun list :) My cousin is an archeologist and goes on digs and things like that, which I think is fascintating. I would also like to learn how to make really good bread. I'm not very good atyeast breads, although I have been making my own pizza crusts down here, and I'm saddened at the lack of access to whole wheat flour. I do like my banana bread, though, especailly because the beginning of the recipe calls for creaming together butter and sugar. If you've never done this before, it's WONDERFUL to eat.
