Sunday, April 16, 2006

the sun sets on yet another spring break...:)

austin has been with his dad this weekend, who continues to keep me off balance via his un-bebolike behavior. today he brought austin to easter sunday services. i couldn't have been more surprised if jesus had walked into the services in a giant bunny suit. he actually seemed to be enjoying himself. i was a greeter, so i spent most of the time standing at the door handing out programs. the message today was that god loves you no matter what you do or how stupid you act. gee, do you suppose an angel got the beeb up this morning and said, go take the child, but most importantly, take yourself. it wasn't like anyone has been trying to convert him, but he seems to get "messages" f rom the most unlikely of places and has been known to act on them. being in a church today might have been enough to drive him back to his buddhist monastery, but hopefully it will drive him towards something, anything.

i spent the bulk of the day in pursuit of 2 things: actually reading the whole NYTIMES on the day it was delivered (i still have the book section left) and weeding/planting seeds. i got some of the seeds done outdoors just at dusk. the weeding i did in the afternoon along with potting some new plants and clearing out some old ones. i moved the two trees back out of the house and on the porch where they are now all on their own for survival.

when i was pulling weeds at the foot of the sidewalk, i pulled up a huge clump of grass and in the ground was a small, painted turtle! i was a bit more freaked out (hmmm, bebo in church, turtle in ground...) and took it over to the waterfall pond and put it on the rocks. it wasted no time going somewhere, as when i went back about 10 minutes later, he has vamoosed. there were other nature events today on EASY's pond...the boyfriend of a neighbor who lives across the street asked me if he could fish in the pond and i said, sure. he wanted to know if there were bass in there, and i said there was rumored to be an 8lb. bass in there that had been caught a couple of years ago by the son of brian, the gameskeeper for the wilderness behind me. within 15 minutes, robert was running up the hill to my porch (i was on the phone and planting seeds) with a HUGE FISH AND I MEAN HUGE! this thing was a was the mythical bass. i took pictures of it for robert on his digital camera, and i also took pictures on my little disposable one. no one would likely believe it if there weren't pictures. robert put the fish back (he does catch and release) and while i was talking to him, he snagged another bass, this one smaller, and it got away. he is using some sort of plastic lizard lure that must work obviously! in talking to robert, i learned that fish do know when you come to feed them and they will gather. robert talked about his grandfather who used to feed fish in a pond and knocked on the pier at the same time each day and beaucoup fish would appear!

the four ducks had already been up to the porch, where tonight they dined upon fat free crackers and then retreated in a line to the pond. coming up to the house, they were marching in order of size, with big austin leading the pack! they are flying in in the afternoon, sort of like a fowl version of air tran...short trips hopping from pond to pond, to return to the hanger at dusk...

i am not at all enthused about going to work in the morning. most of this is based upon the fact that i have been to myself and quiet all week. i have not particularly missed the sounds of human voices or conversation. i have gotten to choose when i talked and with whom. i have spent a lot of time looking at plants and going to places to buy them. yesterday morning i went up to beaverdam to the ashland berry farm to look at plants and their big pond area. it was the first time i had seen all the types of fish you can buy for koi ponds, and they also had bullfrog tadpoles as well! i enjoyed looking at the 10 or so different ponds that they had set up, although i couldn't afford to build any of them. the ride up there was pretty nice and relaxing, and i was thinking the whole way how i had never been in that part of the county before and how quaint it was. i thought about how it would be to live in a rural area like that. on the way back from there i stopped at 3 junk/antique shops looking for things to build fountains out of. i did find exactly what i was looking for, which was an old watering can. there were a few interesting things, but oddly enough, looking in these places was depressing to me. it was like each place was a collection of the detrius of life...and yet people, including me, were plundering through there buying stuff that no one needs.

in any case, spring has sprung.

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