Saturday, April 29, 2006

pennies for mike m

the boys are playing in petersburg at the sports complex again this weekend. this tournament is a qualifier for the state USSSA tournament. our boys went 2-0 today, winning easily. last weekend they qualified for the nationals by placing 2nd in the NIT tournament in charlotte. that definitely puts me in orlando the first week of august...another exciting vacation in somalia...god, it is miserably hot in orlando in august...

one of the boys on austin's team, mike (known as M&M) has been struggling for awhile both at the bat and on the field. it seems that everyone has lost confidence in him, including the players and the parents. mike needs a break and a boost.

i made my traditional sojourn to wawa this morning, finding 2 pennies on the floor in unusual places. i pocketed them and went and watched the morning game. the sun was out, it was cool and pleasant. we were winning, but once again m&m was struggling and bombed at the bat. we went on to win the game, and i was remembering last weekend and mike's struggles all weekend. one of the parents had been critical of a dropped pop fly in the outfield and mike's mother had defended him. i had felt caught in the middle, literally, between the two of them, as i would have never said anything as the one parent did, but i also had thought mike should have made the play.

on my way to do concessions i found another penny on the ground in the dirt and decided then to give this particular one to mike. i walked over and sat down next to him on the steps in front of concessions and handed him the penny i had just found in the dirt. i thought that would be a more special angel penny, as it was hard to see and not in my usual fast food location! i wasn't sure how mike would take this, as he has a tendency to be a little goofy sometimes, and after all, he is a 14 year-old boy! anyway, i started out telling him it was a "lucky penny" and then went on to tell him HOW it got to be lucky and that it was an angel penny. i told him he needed to hold on to it, as it thought that he needed an angel, and now he had one watching him. his mother drifted over and i repeated to her what i had told mike. he seemed to really buy into the whole thing, and then i looked down at the dirt in front of mike and me...and there was another penny! i picked it up and handed it to him and told him "now, you have 2 angels! you are gonna do great in the next game!"

i missed the first hour of the game, but mike's mother came in to take over concessions and said the penny was working...mike had gotten a hit! when i got to the game, i started talking to everyone, saying i KNEW mike was gonna get another hit truthfully, the parents around me were scoffing, saying "yeah, uh huh!" but then he was at bat, and there came the hit...he did it! it was a double and he knocked in 2 runs! then he got on base again...when he got hit! but then came the real trial...they put him in to pitch.

m&m pitched 2 innings, and he got them out the first inning..1,2,3! then he came back and fanned the next 3 batters! it was HUGE! i was so happy for him! the whole time i was doing a distance reiki healing on him, telling him to believe he was "calm, focused and relaxed." he was!

after the game, i went over to him and gave him a big hug! he was all smiles and his eyes were really bright and lit up! he said he was gonna hang on to those pennies! one of the other kids came over and started pointing at mike saying "PENNIES! PENNIES!" and nodding yes vigorously! mike said "i am going to hold on to these! they really did work!" i reminded him that he had angels...all he had to do was ask for them. i expect that tomorrow he might not have as good a game maybe, but today was a good start on the way back.

all you got to do with those angels is ask! :)

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