Friday, April 14, 2006

easy meets sue monk kidd, famous author...

last saturday i was a greeter/volunteer at my church for the appearance of writer sue monk kidd. she is currently on a book tour and came to our church to promote her new book THE MERMAID CHAIR. she is more famous for the first of her fiction books, THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES. she was very well spoken and had a lot of humor. there were a fair number of people there, over 600 they said. my ex-sister-in-law, terre, and i worked together directing people into the building. for being greeters, we could sit on the first 2 rows in the church, but we ended up sitting in the back. the women's group at the church had put together little gift bags with water, a honey stick, and cd's and information from the church. bruce and chris, the two major church band leaders, led the group in singing "amazing grace" and it was sort of like the hallelujah chorus with all of those people singing. after she spoke and answered questions, she also signed books. i had her sign atlee's copy of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES. i ended up buying THE MERMAID CHAIR and having her sign that as well, and i am going to give it to the school. she was very gracious, very southern, and very relaxed. i heard that before she spoke, she was a bit reserved, but after sammy, the minister, and susan hudgins (who brought her to the church) had spoken, she relaxed a bit. good for her! good for everyone. it is always nice to be able to meet literary people.

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