Wednesday, June 23, 2010


the first week of vacation is always a bit sketchy as i adjust to not having to be somewhere at a certain time or be on a schedule. i can't just drop the life like some of my compadres...i have to transition...which means the honey do list and then frantically doing things to occupy every free moment of my time. it is sort of sick i guess to be that way, but in a way it's good as i do a lot of things that i think about doing the rest of the year.

two trips to home desperado yesterday and i still didn't have the pieces/parts right to make the conversion from 1/2" tubing to l" tubing on the waterfall/pond. there wasn't enough water coming out of the tube, and before i bought another pump, phil t. said change the tubing...and after i did all of the deconstruction and reconstruction of couplers, etc., i probably should have just bought another pump! i used up 20' of one inch tubing, and discovered that the bigger the tubing is, the harder it is to manage. a lot of cussing and straining as i stomped around in the pond stirring up debris and hoping i didn't get bitten by something. in any case, i can report that the switch worked. i can also report that i am not happy with the angle of the waterfall, so i will have to take it all down and start all over. more work, but if you are going to do this, do it the way you want, as it will end up being permanent.

so i have been deconstructing as well. the problem has been landing in one place and finishing what i started. right now there is a pile of debris on the floor next to the computer room, evidence of my not being able to find a bill i was looking for. the end result was going through that area and pitching things. however, i never got back around to picking up the trash. guess that will be part of tomorrow's scenario. and then i left the SF room area and headed to the kitchen to cook. the end result there was i spent about an hour sorting through the tupperware collection that has become so massive that i can't take anything in or out of there without something falling out. i rearranged, selected the stuff i like the best, and the deconstruction evidence is once again evident: all of the discards are in the middle of my kitchen along with my computer chair, a big bag of garbage that needs to go and more stuff on the table. lots of piles and little piles all around the kitchen and the SF room. now i have to organize them.

i cooked a chuck roast, potatoes, onions and carrots for meg and family and chili for colton. i also cooked beets and pickled them. i did a couple of loads of laundry and folded them, as well as folded austin's stuff. i didn't spend too much time with the tv, only watching a BURN NOTICE and a LAW AND ORDER:CRIMINAL INTENT. i talked on the phone to my brother for an hour and joanna todd little called and i talked to her for an extended amount of time as well. i never got around to re potting the plants, again. tomorrow maybe? i have some restrictions on that day. i have a hearing test at the ENT at 8:30 and an appt. with sue fuller at 12:30. i have to make bbq for gregg and family for dinner tomorrow night, and go to the store so i can get the things to make coleslaw. somewhere in there i will have to attend to these deconstruction piles.

i guess my OCD is kicking in seeing as i feel compelled to write down what i spent my day doing just to prove to myself i didn't waste it...

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