Friday, January 16, 2009

bring on the cold! :)

as i am writing this, the temp outside is a wonderful 12 degrees! go single digits! drop, drop, drop! bring me some snow, some hunkering down weather! alas, the snow is not to be! but at least it has gotten a bit cold and will be this way for a few days at least.

this week has been long and arduous, and my shoulders according to my son (who was commanded to massage them) are like concrete. my brain is back to functioning and i am looking at the bigger world and don't like a lot of what i am seeing. austin has also been problematic this week in the sense that there are issues, not overly major, but ones where i have to be involved and i am conflicted. this week alone:
monday: day 3 of the migraine that began on friday night, so i stay home. he gets his drivers license, and i have to come to school to get it. i have to call and get car insurance set up for him to the tune of $1200 a year. then on to the orthopedic guy about his cracked toe (he had been in an ortho boot for 2 weeks b/c of a bone chip. no basketball. he did it in a tourney over xmas). anyway, that visit is $40 and he is cleared to go back to basketball next week. so on that day i take on a new phase of my life, which is austin driving by himself and now out of my control in that area.

tuesday: at the end of the school day, austin and another teacher's kid are horsing around in his physics class waiting for the bell to ring. the other kid, tyler, shoves austin into the plate class window looking out into the hall. result: smashed window. no one is hurt, but austin is written up for disruptive behavior and i have to pay half of the replacement fee for the window, which will come to somewhere b/w $150-200. he comes down at the end of this class to tell me. i am so furious I TAKE HIM TO THE OFFICE MYSELF. now, everyone thinks this is sort of funny and there have been lots of jokes about it all week. he won't serve the ISS until the tuesday after exams. he was lucky he got that (i told the principal not to spare him anything and to treat him like every other kid. they did). what do you do for punishment? basically, he designed his own. no computers during the week. i have the cell phone during the day. he has to do anything i ask basically for the next couple of weeks, and his driving is restricted to a per case basis. also, he has blown off his english teacher when she sent for him during study hall and we have a mess going on in that area. i send him to his room to complete his homework and study for a test in ap psych.

wednesday: after going round and round talking about this stuff, my brain feels like a wheel of cheese. we get to school, and austin discovers he has left his backpack at home with all his stuff in it. how does one forget this? well, he took it in the house to actually use it. normally, it lives in the back of my car. i send him home at 8 am with the command that as soon as he gets back, he brings me my keys so i know he is at school. at 8:50 (school has started) he has not shown up. now i am worried. i walk out to the parking lot and he is just coming in. i can now breath safely, is stressful.
thursday: kids in my classes are complete buttheads, not doing homework, which is exam review. asking me dumb, asinine questions that i have already answered 4 times. i explode on them and tell them i am tired of being their 2nd mother. they need to grow up and stop whining and get with the program. i walk in the bitter cold for 20 minutes with austin's english teacher while we discuss his rampant immaturity and poor choices. i cannot defend him. i cannot do his work for him. i can only be frustrated.

and what really sets me off, sadly, is that they were supposed to serve footlong hot dogs for lunch and that was to be the highlight of my day. alas, no hotdogs, and a lot of disappointed campers! the head cafeteria lady is a saint, but she apparently forgot to order the BUNS...i was grumpy for the rest of the day.

austin goes to his dad's for the night, and i am left feeling totally useless as a parent because i feel like i am just not doing something right. the ADHD is really a factor right now with austin, but that just can't be an excuse.

i need a vacation where there is no one under the age of 20. maybe a human jurassic park, where i can commune with my own dinosaur like friends. i need a good hotdog, some snow, and no one asking me dumbass things, no one whining, or manipulating me....

next week: exams. monday, a day off. technically, i should have a low key week. we'll see...!

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