Saturday, January 17, 2009

a 4 degree morning...

most of the time when you daydream, that dream stays in your head and never becomes a reality. we always think about doing stuff, like what you would do with a day off...and of course, you never do it. dreaming about it generally is more fun than really doing it.

but at 6:15 this morning my alarm went off and i was awake. and last night i was thinking about how awesome it would be to get up and take a walk in that frigid cold when the alarm went off. so i did....

i put on my wawa shirt, sweatpants and a sweat shirt and set off walking...i wasn't sure how far i would get, but i got to meg's house and then came back. i briefly thought about calling her and telling her i was standing in the street in front of the hacienda...but i decided nada...and home i went.

the moon was sliced in half and the sunrise reminded me of the one i saw alone at mesa verde national park 2 years ago. pam was still asleep then, and it was so vast and awesome and all mine. the world was asleep this morning and the same applied. ice and clouds and stars and a plane flying way above me. i wondered who was on it, where they were going, and what time that plane had taken off. sort of a world in motion kinda thought...

after picking up the paper from the driveway, i gave it all a glance and then went into the house and made a broccoli/sausage pattie stir fry after talking to m.j. in paris. austin was asleep on the couch, and the only thing missing from my fantasy was a cup of constant comfort tea. went to turn the spigot on in the kitchen and was shocked to find no water...frozen pipes. that was a little reality check, for sure! i went back outside to make sure i had closed all of the vents all around the house, and they were closed. i guess those pipes were to close to the outside wall. eventually they thawed, and all is well in the plumbing world....

it has been a busy, productive day. austin and i went to circuit city after i read the paper this morning. it said they were discounting everything starting today, but they didn't. we bought him the headset he wanted for the computer and came home. i took electrical tape to the wires to cat proof it, and then i went out to short pump and met my friend susan from school and we ate hot dogs at joey's and went to trader joe's and whole foods market. i have come home with some interesting stuff, such as short ribs and hummus. i have watched some tv this afternoon and now i think i might just read for awhile...

austin is off to amy's for the is good!
bring on more cold weather! bring on the snow!

1 comment:

  1. Your walk sounds lovely. Hope you enjoy tomorrow off and get to read without migraines.
