Wednesday, December 10, 2008

making some progress in my MONK world

ONCE AGAIN, i have been graced with a week of off again/on again headaches. on tuesday i came home from school, took the excedrin and got a brief nap before i had to deliver austin back to school for his basketball game, which i went to. i slept amongst the cats, but didn't really sleep. so wednesday i did the doctor and slept in with the headache.

the new doctor, dr. woodson, took the time and seemingly the interest to talk to me. she had some ideas about fibromyalgia and does not believe that it is a mental thing. thank god. she agreed with me that the lexapro was probably not working and rather than jack up the dosage, she wrote me a prescription for cymbalta, the newest best thing. apparently, this is one that works well for people with fibromyalgia. she also gave me a prescription for midrin. unfortunately, the cymbalta has to be preapproved by my health insurance. i don't have it yet.

austin was at bebo's this weekend until today. i went and got him and we went to trader joe's and bought stuff for brenda, danny and olivia for their xmas gift basket. we went to whole foods market and ate a bunch of really expensive stuff, and then to kohl's, where austin bought amy a necklace with a square blue zircon on it. he had previously bought a silver chain, but couldn't find anything he liked to put on it. he and amy dragged out the xmas stuff, but it was too dark to put it up and she was not enthused about doing that. so it is supposed to now be put up tomorrow afternoon after school. we'll see.

i did have some energy this weekend and did some shopping yesterday for austin and got him done. i also bought stuff for the twins and jack online, cooked veggie beef soup and made some indian curry stuff with jasmine rice. i went to walmart and did my shopping there first thing in the morning, and i have been pretty productive. i also went to joey's hot dogs in the gas station on ridgefield parkway and talked to joey for a long timel. it turns out that he is the youngest son of the guy, tony, of tony's hotdogs in norfolk. when i was a kid, daddy used to take me there and i remember it a lot. maybe my love of hot dogs comes from that.

saturday night i decorated the xmas tree with lights and ornaments land put up xmas stuff. today i also finally spackled the wall on the stairs and sanded it down. all i need to do now is paint it. i made a list of xmas stuff and pretty much has most everything done sans cooking, which i will have to do later this week or on tuesday of next week when i come home.

my energy levels have been up a bit and i have felt like doing stuff. i took a bunch of pictures of the cats today and tonight, which i had been wanting to do. i also have been reading the TWILIGHT book which is all the rage with the kids these days and the rest of the world as well (the movie just came out.) i am having a hard time with it, as it is very slow and methodical and, frankly, boring to me. but i am reading it as part of the summer reading possibilities. i have watched a lot of stuff on the dvr, including a lot of old carole lombard movies (2oth century with john barrymore), and several MONK episodes, History Detectives, and general stuff i had taped like LAW & ORDER, ELI STONE, and i also have watched some more of THE OFFICE on the DVD player. i talked to MJ today in paris, and have kept up with meg and dr. trotti's surgery. he seems to be doing fine and was being moved to a real room today. they took about 80% of his stomach, and there is still some tumor behind it. however, they think they can kill what is left with chemo. i don't know when he will start that.

this week should be an easy week. i am showing OF MICE AND MEN for 4 of the days, and giving the unit test to the advanced kids tomorrow and tuesday. hopefully, i will get caught up finally on grading of papers. austin has two basketball games this week (highland springs and patrick henry, and both are away). sometime in there i have to make my stuff and pack things to be shipped out (linda, shelley and bart, maybe triest and joanna.) i could be a busy week...

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