Saturday, May 27, 2006

simple pleasures, part II

i have spent an extraordinary amount of time recently either bitching, feeling sorry for myself or hibernating from the world. fortunately, i have realized i am NOT good company, but nonetheless, i am still somewhat disgusted with myself for allowing the glass to get half empty instead of being half tonight, i am going to fill it with a few of my recent small pleasures.

*as i sit here, i am listening to the songs i have downloaded to the i-pod. most of them are oldies or christian things, but i am getting some exercise dancing in my chair while looking at pictures on the internet of cars i can't own..

*white bread sandwiches occasionally are an interesting change of pace. Mayonnaise, salami and i have a quick, disgusting snack that delivers nothing but garlic breath and fat. oh well, shoot me.

*sitting on the back porch and quacking for the ducks has become something fun and silly to do. i am not so sure my neighbors aren't all getting together to have me committed, but that can't be helped. big austin and mike are the regulars these days, although they seem to appear by themselves, confused about where the rest of the gang has gone. they quack, i throw some sort of dough related product to them, courtesy of the librarians at school (this weeks menu: pizza bones and breadsticks from olive garden.)

*on demand free movies on comcast. since i have had to give up direct tv and switch to comcast, i have spent too much time trying to figure out what features are offered and how i can access them via a remote control. i did discover that we have something called ON DEMAND and that gives me some ability to view free movies when i want. i have actually done that, a rarity for me as i don't have much patience these days for sitting still long enough to watch a movie. last weekend, however, i did view THE PRINCE OF TIDES and UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN.

*i played my bass guitar tonight while listening to my christian download music. i am sure my neighbors really enjoyed the fact that i haven't picked up the instrument in about 6 months. that and the wailing i was doing with the headset on probably only added to my legendary nutcase status in this burg...

*"polk salad annie" by tony joe white...what a stupid song...why am i listening to it? why did i download it? yeah, that one and "guitarzan" by ray stevens, another '60's gem. "...polk salad annie, the gator's got your granny...everybody said it was a shame, cause her mama was working on a chain gang..." Pulitzer prize winning lyrics, that one.

*sugar free popsicles. they came, they went. all gone.

*bathtubs. i haven't visited the bottom of mine with my butt in quite awhile. last night i threw myself to the mercy of a soak and it was good.

*having an intellectual conversation with someone is so shocking these days that i almost weep with relief that there are actually humans out there who might actually visit my planet occasionally. this week i did have some conversations with a few people that made me feel slightly enlightened. having these conversations with people walking on 2 legs is much preferable to quacking to ducks and talking to cats...

*cats in general. kitty barometers. you don't have to talk to them and they for the most part aren't overly demanding.

*$2.75 gas. i must have no life if i am spending this much time watching gas prices go up and down...

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