Wednesday, November 5, 2008

finally, election OVER!

i stayed home yesterday and i did vote. i didn't feel too good about it, and i still don't feel anything about this election other than i am glad it is over with, period. it has been one long, drawn out cat fight and i think we have all bled just a little.

my hope is that those who are happy that obama was elected do not gloat. i also hope that those who hate him do not stir the sparks of racism and create a greater schism between whites and blacks.

in many ways i wish that i could be excited by obama and what he may bring to the white house. i suppose i am just numbed out about everything political. i would like to believe, but i just can't. i guess i have turned into an old skeptic and a negative one at that. i fear, as do many, that some nutcase will take a pot shot at him. should he be killed, i cannot imagine the repercussions that would reverberate across this country. whatever has brought us together to this historic point could just as easily be taken away and reversed. but i guess i need to develop some faith, faith that people are basically good, as ann frank said in her diary. that somewhere in this crazy world people still believe in helping each other and working for a greater good than just the almighty dollar.

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