Sunday, June 8, 2008

hot, hot, hot and a picture of thing...

shelley sent me a picture of thing and bart that she took when they were here for vacation in march. i don't have too many recent pictures of him or anything for that matter, so i was glad to get it. the latest update on cats is that the girls are enjoying their wet food in the morning and they are all three sleeping in my room at night. i am a little tired of olive having to sleep on the highest point of my body or in the middle of my back, but i am also used to the flinging of said cat across the room numerous times.

the weather here is setting records, with the temps at 100 degrees and the heat index even higher. fortunately, we haven't had the smoky smog hanging over the area the last 2 days. on friday we were treated to smoke from a wildfire in north carolina 150 miles away. the wind just blew it our way, lucky us. it hasn't been hazy since then, but it sure has been hot. however, not as bad as i have experienced in the past. i don't think the humidity has been as awful as it can be. thank god. i was able to get out this morning and do plant watering (which i am now doing twice a day), as well as putting down spectracide on the weeds. that worked well. by tonight the weeds were already brown in a lot of places. that was something i had wanted to do and got done.

i have watched a lot of movies, eaten a lot of ice pops and drunk a lot of tea. very lazy. not much you could do when you can't get outside and do anything. even going in the car has been miserable as you have to wait awhile before it gets cool. i did do some shopping at walmart yesterday and today went to kroger and treated myself to a jack daniels burger from TGIF fridays. exams start tomorrow and this is the last week of school. this year went by fast, but i am looking forward to some down time. time for me to make my honey-do list for myself. some of the things on it will be:
1) sandpapering and then painting the patch on the wall where austin punched his fist
2) putting in the above ground beds next to the fence
3) planting the hostas down by the pond and the purple fountain grass
4) putting down weed blocker sheets and then mulch on the shore by the pond; moving the picnic table and chairs on top of the mulch once that is done.
5) switching the winter and summer clothes and taking stuff to the goodwill
6) tying up the branches of the butterfly trees, as they are now into the porch and almost making it too jungle like
7) making a website for GO WEST and starting to see if i can transfer the webpages to a new website.
8) making more headers for the blog
9) transfering last summers journal to the REB blog and starting this summer's blog
10) looking at the Ancient Molly character for curriculum stuff for elementary school textbooks. need to see laura samuels about that one.
11) transferring pictures off the camera to the computer and getting the two computers in sync
12) learning how to do MX flash
13) read the concrete book and make the flagstones patio for the smokey cookers
14) investigate getting a new smokey cooker
15) make some flagstones
16) get the vienna hot dog kit for my parents and do their birthdays with it
17) visit the aunties
18) get on the beach at least once
19) get the pushmower fixed

and there will be more to the list!

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