Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a story from beliefnet

this morning i got this article as part of my daily emails from beliefnet. the story itself is good, but when i got to the postscript, my heart almost stopped. what she experienced when her dog passed was exactly what happened to me when my cat santini died in 1999. i have never met anyone or read anything where anyone described this exact same event happening to them when a pet died.

santini was a reiki junkie, but in the last weeks before he died, he absolutely refused it. he wouldn't sit in my lap or let me do reiki on him. when it came time to put him down, i had my hands on him and he was again spitting and growling. i kept them there while they gave him the injection. all of a sudden there was a big whoosh, almost like a huge wind, and it passed through both of my hands and my right arm, in a left to right motion and out up to the ceiling. the vet hadn't finished completely with him, but i knew then he was gone. i took my hands off of him, and she asked if i wanted his body, and i said no, as i truly knew he was absolutely gone, and i turned my back, walked out of the room to the car and didn't look back. what i was feeling, more than grief, was an absolute knowledge that the spirit and the body are really 2 separate things. my mother always has said that the body is just the temple for the soul, but at that moment i knew it was true, and it has helped me a lot to deal with death, which is starting to occur more and more in my life.

i might have shared this story with some of you before, but i just felt like i needed to pass on the article "as proof" that i am not totally crazy with this angel thing. i am writing on my other blog about new mexico, and the more days that go by, the more i see a trail of angel pennies that led me there. those of you at school especially know that i kept finding them, over and over and over again when i needed them. it was almost on a daily basis. looking back, i think those were signs that i needed to keep the faith, that i wasn't by myself. i have to admit i was just about ready to throw myself in front of a train if my life didn't change. truthfully, i was just about out of faith and there was a lot of despair. but i think a higher power knew what i needed and what circumstances i needed to have exist in order for me to get to the healing i needed to get to, and i got it.

when pam and i were in new mexico, there were a lot of coincidental things that kept occuring, which made me think constantly that we were being watched and accompanied. there were several spiritual things that happened, many of them in places that weren't where you expected them...driving through the jicarilla apache reservation, driving out of cortez, colorado to 4 corners, driving the turquoise trail between albuquerque and santa fe, doing reiki on pam, linda and chuck while we were in the hot springs in pagosa (the sun was going down, and all 4 of us were standing next to each other at the lip of the pool where the water was falling over into the san juan river. chuck was to my right and i had my hand on top of his and my left hand on linda's hand. she in turn had her hand on pam, who was to linda's left, so the reiki was flowing between all 4 of us. it was very peaceful and quite a bonding experience for me.)

in any case, since i have been back, i haven't found many pennies, but i haven't been looking for them all that much either. i think that is because my angels have gotten me to the point where i can stand up on my own and not feel so beaten down. i don't need the pennies like i did before i went.

so if you want to see proof, spend an hour with me i haven't felt this good physically in a long, long time. i was able to do things out there that i didn't have any hope of doing, such as climbing in high altitudes and getting over my fear of heights. i was able to leap out of balloon gondolas at a single bound, climb 30 ft. ladders and squeeze through tiny tunnels, and fight with unwilling cacti on the side of the road! i also stopped eating, and have lost weight since then and have managed to maintain it. i have been a lot distracted since i have been home, thinking way too much about what went on, so naturally my transition back has been slow and hard at times. however, i have finished doing most of the things i needed to do to make this transition, and i am busy and happy. i can't say that i was before all of this, but i think i have had a lot of help in so many ways, including from my friends.

keep picking up those pennies when you find them!

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