Thursday, August 18, 2005

are we living in the fall of the roman empire?

Slideshow of the whole mess:

Sometimes it is really, really hard to be a human. for me it is hard when i see coverage of things like the i-book stampede that occured this week here in richmond. when this stuff happens, it makes me want to scream and then retreat and become a hermit. my cats are looking better and better each day, period.

obviously, for other people besides myself, it is hard to be a human because THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT BEING A HUMAN MEANS. it seems that animal instincts took over yesterday, as women and children were stomped by people rushing to purchase 4 year old used i-books. the price was $50 for the first 1,000 people. unfortunately, 5,500 people showed up, and some of those showed up just as the gates were being opened. they rushed the gates, creating the chaos and near riot. those who made it inside ran as if their asses were on fire and then tried to rush the entrance. they were not allowed in until they formed a line, and apparently that took some doing as well. obviously, there were no manners or anything that might identify you as a human involved here. basic animal instinct takes over, so YOU MUST SURVIVE. to survive, i.e. get a used i-book, so be it if you have to break the rules or break someone's neck. those with manners and some reasonable semblance of decorum didn't get the i-books.

things to note: before the day was over, someone had already thought up a way to profit from the madness, selling t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc. on ebay declaring "i survived the i-book stampede" or something of that nature. also, i-books were showing up on the internet for sale. obviously, not everyone really needed a computer for a real function, like your kid's education.

the mercenarys win. the low class win. the city loses, because once again we make national headlines as the place where dumb asses live, breed, and die. we make the news over corrupt politicians, the robert e. lee floodwall disaster, the arguments over the arther ashe memorial, a heroin addicted ex-councilman and an ex-councilwoman who took a bribe. does it ever end? we are forever known as the capitol of the confederacy and the war rages on still. perhaps the gaston storm was a precursor of some sort of apocalyptic end to the city, since half of it seemed to wash away. all that was missing was the ark.

mark holmberg's column this morning was also a good view of this latest mess. click below to find it.

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