Thursday, August 6, 2009


the good news about the trip to florida is that i got to spend several days there with my father, which was a first that we have ever done that. my mother hasn't been feeling well and has some lower digestive issues, so she opted not to go. the other good news was that austin pitched pretty well in the two innings that he got to pitch in and that he walked away feeling like he had done well.

the bad news was that the east coast pro showcase was not what it was cracked up to be. i learned a lot about the major league draft process, and i learned a lot about the favoritism aspect of it. obviously, the kids who were favored got to play, a lot. those not so, barely got a shot. austin got exactly 3 at bats the whole time he was there. he also had his pitching slot changed to the last day when virtually all of the scouts were gone. in other words, he did not get his day in the sun like some of the others. they also let some of the favored ones play multiple times and multiple positions, whereas austin did not get to do anything but pitch. it was very frustrating to watch, especially since i didn't see anyone who i thought was all that spectacular. some of the ones being highlighted weren't any better than austin either. but according to him, they were going to go up in the draft. i don't know what will come out of this for him, but in any case, it really doesn't matter. he has his ride at virginia, so anything else would be gravy.

prehaps the good thing is that he has come home and decided he needs to get himself to the point where he can pitch full time and start. he seemed determined to get himself in shape and be able to be considered for the draft. i hope he does do that.

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