Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the evil that men do...

My need to be a recluse is pretty well documented, but after what happened to my brother on saturday night, i don't think i need any urging to want to escape the human race.

i have been reminded that for the one who was so evil, there were many others who stepped forward to help. that i should be thankful for. but it still does not make me feel any safer or more secure with trusting the human animal.

in a nutshell, he was attacked by a 23-year-0ld drunken russian who broke his nose and then kicked him in the head, breaking 4 molars, chipping his other teeth, cutting his forehead and maybe breaking the orbital bone in his eye. when asked by the arresting officers why he had attacked my brother and his friends, especially after the great lengths they had gone to to avoid a confrontation, he replied "because they are fags."

hopefully, he has no friends who would bail his sorry ass out, and he is still sitting in a cell rotting. but i doubt it. likely, he is loose and on the lam, as is miguel rodriguez and his sister maria who refuse to take responsibility for the car accident they caused. why won't people just behave nicely and do what is right? why attack and hurt people you don't even know?

the physical injuries to my brother will slowly heal, but what about the damage done to his view of the world and of himself?

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