Friday, November 23, 2007

thanksgiving 07

up early this morning to take austin to basketball practice. it is black friday in america, the day where people go nuts spending their money. how are they nuts? on my way home last night from amelia we passed our best buy in mechanicsville and there were people in tents in front of the store and sacked out on the sidewalk. that is nuts to me, period. there were pictures in the paper today of women with their kids spending the night on the sidewalk. i am thinking "get a babysitter!" traffic, of course, is nuts, and the parking lots are filled up in all the malls as expected. i did go to michaels at virginia center commons and the lines were long there to check out and the shelves looked as if they had been stripped bare of things, but i did manage to buy some stuff i wanted like candles and t-shirts.

we went up to pam and taylor's for thanksgiving dinner. there were over 20 people there, quite a crowd. i stopped by mary beth's house and brought her some flowers and gave her one of the crocheted wreathes that i have that mamama made. she seems to be doing ok handling her mother's death and she has redone her living room. i wish i could do the same thing. just don't have the money, nor the decorating ability either!

i went around this morning taking pictures of the holiday leaves. they are so pretty and i know a picture isn't going to really capture it, but i tried. i probably waited too late though. just in the last 48 hours the leaves have started leaping off the limbs, and some of the yards are just filled up already. i don't have many leaves in my yard, so i don't bother to try and rake them. bebo, however, does, and i am afraid austin is going to be stuck with that odious task.

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