Friday, December 28, 2007

home on the range....

i have enjoyed being home by myself the last couple of days. i slept a lot the day after xmas, not getting up until 11 a.m. as a matter of fact, i am not even sure i got dressed that day. i know for sure i did not leave the house.
i have puttered around, listened to a lot of cds, and watched a few movies. i have also gotten caught up at least on the paper version of the ny times sunday editions that have been hanging around in a pile by my bed. i am now going to work on the magazines that go with the tabloids. i am also reading patti boyd's autobiography WONDERFUL TONIGHT about her life with george harrison and eric clapton. fluff reading, but ok. i just finished SAVAGES by bill pronzini, and prior to that RHETT BUTLER'S PEOPLE, which is the officially licensed prequel to GONE WITH THE WIND. also ripped through the newest clive cussler book, THE CHASE, and have a few left on the floor for me to read.
it rained the first day home, and is raining now. has gotten colder, and that is fine with me. i have done a lot of cooking for no one in particular and mostly i am giving it away. i fixed chilli for meg and her brood, a ham, potato salad, beef ribs in the oven with potatoes and wine sauce, a lot of coffee, and bread. took food to bruce and amy next door and i wish i could get rid of the tons of sweets in this house. austin is at bebo's and doesn't seem to be headed home anytime soon, so it is all just sitting around here. i bought the stuff to make borscht, as terre asked me if i was going to make it, but then, after i bought all the stuff, she called and said she was too busy this weekend with other things. sigh. i don't know if i will make it or not this weekend. we'll see.
i went out to pad thai restaurant with brenda davis for dinner tonight and that was nice. pam and her mother came by last night and we exchanged xmas presents. she gave me a calendar for 2008 with pictures on it from our trip as well as some lotion and a scrubby thing for the shower. i gave her lotion and stuff for the shower as well and a copy of WILD HOGS the movie, but she already had gotten it for taylor for xmas, so i ended up with it back to me. i went online tonight and made her a calendar for herself with pictures from last year as well.
i don't have any other plans other than i would like to get to work on some jewelry stuff, but the time has been right yet. i am cleaning up around the house, and have had some problems with the garbage disposal today being clogged. i am hoping that the draino i put in there will resolve the issue. otherwise, i will have to fetch bruce to come and save me from my plumbing disaster. i took him a 6 pack of beer today along with the food, so maybe he will be amiable. amy's grandmother died xmas day and she flew to dallas yesterday for the funeral. she will be back tomorrow night and i told bruce i would pick her up.
with the exception of my brother's meltdown, xmas has been fine. everyone got along fine and there has been way too much food. my kitchen table is piled up with all sorts of stuff to cook with, all the baking things. i think i need to finish off whatever baking i am going to do tomorrow and put it all back.
one thing that i have enjoyed is watching my little birds. i put bread crumbs out there for them, and it has been titmouses and finches. i saw my first cardinal today, and of course, that fucking squirrel. nothing i can do about him. he doesn't even scare easily. i hate a damned squirrel...

Foxhole Report 2007 - Friendly Fire

it always comes in from somewhere, that grenade of yore...
never where you expect it from, christmas is never a bore
you think and you ponder, and hunker down low
but your never prepared for the size of the blow...

and the winner this year is.....MY BROTHER! who went mental over buying matchbox cars for the kids of the cousins. and even a week later, i STILL have no clue what caused him to go over the edge, short of my only explanation...the medicine isn't working...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

a cold, a fried house, a fried computer...

home on a saturday afternoon, sniffling with a cold and feeling like i have been run over by a truck...but that is normal for me anyway....
once more, electrical nuttiness has occurred. more fried outlets, more electrical irritations. the outside GFI isn't working and apparently it is wired in some funky way under the house. in any case, it needs to be rewired in a way that puts it into the breaker box and at least accessible. the problem is that it is xmas, when i want my lights up and shining. so far, this has been a bust. but...they are coming monday to hopefully correct the problem. i have now been told where the reset button is in the house (the bathroom receptacle), so i can get to some of it.
got up early this morning and hit the walmart to take back the angel tree clothing i bought last weekend. there was a glitch in the pickup, and my angel's stuff didn't get delivered. i tried to find someone that the clothing could go to, but wasn't able to. so i just took it back. also went and vaccumed my car and did armor all inside and cleaned the dashboard stuff. i felt pretty good about that. moved the old computer downstairs and managed to figure out how to get it to work. don't have much other than internet, as i haven't been able to get a microsoft program to load up, but at least i can get to the internet. the big computer is in the shop for a diagnostic, as it wasn't allowing the monitor to hook up. looks like it is a fan/overheating problem. hopefully, i won't have to replace it. all of this started with the purchase of a video card for austin's xmas present which did not work. i am going to now have to send that back and replace it with the proper one.
other things on my list today are to clean up the spots on my carpets and cook some stuff for meg and myself.
i am writing all of this boring stuff down because it isn't boring to me. it is possibilities, ones that i haven't had for a long time b/c i have felt so crappy. i am feeling better and more energetic right now, and i want to be able to remember that.

Monday, December 3, 2007

feeling better

it has been a long time since i actually felt pretty good. i would define "pretty good" as having a minimum of pain and actually have enough energy to want to do something. with fibromyalgia, every day is an adventure in something.

so when i started to actually have a bit of energy last week, it really enervated me. i went out and did stuff that seems normal to most people, but was a big deal to me. there were a lot of little nagging things that needed to be done, and i did them. just for me, i am going to list them here, because i want to be able to go back and remember this when i am feeling not so good and not so motivated.

on friday i went to the courthouse and got my county sticker for the car. i also went to the dmv and transferred the vanity plate from the van to the kia. i went to wawa and got a shorti. i went to b.j.'s and did some slow xmas shopping. i bought a wireless keyboard for my computer in my room. i talked to the nationwide people about getting the electricity done on my shed, which has been hanging over me since august. i made cd's for mj and mailed them. i think i slept through most of the night.

on saturday i got up regular time and went to cosco. i made a bunch of cd's for gifts on saturday night. i went to wawa and got a cup of coffee. i watched the tech/boston college game on tv. i filled up the front pond with water. i pulled weeds out of the front flower bed, which had been there since the end of the summer. i took out the trash. i listened to xmas music. i actually watched a movie ("Annapolis") i didn't just lay in front of the tv and watch mindless television because i just couldn't do much more. i slept pretty well i think, even though i didn't go to bed until after 2 am.

on sunday i went to the store and bought some things to cook. i had bought chocolate candy for a christmas project that brenda davis was doing with the mentally disabled and took it to them. i drove around in the country and didn't go straight home. i read the richmond paper. i took out the trash again. i cooked chili, a pasta salad and kale. i cleaned the counters and emptied the dishwasher. i did two loads of laundry and folded them. i installed the new keyboard on my computer and tried to install windows, but it wouldn't go, so i quit (i will have to get it from school and install it at home.) i got amy and we went down to the pond and pulled john's lime green wading pool out of the pond where it has resided since fourth of july weekend. i made chicago hot dogs for lunch and then took two to amy and bruce. i changed the linens on my bed and folded up the big load of laundry that had been sitting in my room. i also cleaned out the bathroom closet and rearranged it and i checked two strings of xmas lights and pulled off the good lights when it was determined that half of each string was bad.

this stuff means nothing to anyone but me. but it means a lot. it gives me some hope. i had pretty much decided after months and months of feeling listless and pained that this was what it was going to be. it is nice to be reminded that it doesn't always have to be this way. it is nice to get a glimpse of things that is different.

i went to wawa today and found 4 angel pennies. i am not alone.